The Uplift For Her Team

Dr. Mallorie Cracroft




Hi, I am Dr. Mallorie Cracroft. I am a doctor, mom, wife, and busy woman, trying to feel well and stay well just like you.

I understand that incorporating healthy routines into our lives and our family's lives while juggling everything else can be daunting. I also understand that if I don't do it, the juggling is even harder because I don't feel my best. Figuring out how to feel my best so I can do and be my best matters to me. And I know it matters to you.

After caring for women as an OB/GYN in a traditional clinical setting for almost 15 years, I created Uplift For Her to offer a unique approach to healthcare for women with a combined conventional and functional approach. It's important to me that my patients feel heard and valued. I want to help them understand how their body works so they can make the best health decisions possible. I strongly believe that it is only by attention to the whole person that we can really experience true health and wellness. I can't wait to work with you.

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Alicia Akerson, Health Coach




Hi, I’m Jennifer! As a dedicated Family Nurse Practitioner with a passion for women’s health and wellness, my journey in healthcare began on a surgical oncology floor where I worked as a registered nurse for several years.

My enthusiasm for promoting health and wellness inspired me to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice, with a focus on keeping patients healthy and happy.

Beyond my professional life, I am an outdoor enthusiast and an avid reader of romance novels. I cherish spending time outdoors with my family and friends.

I believe in the importance of helping my patients understand and embrace a healthy lifestyle so they can feel their best today and for years to come. Navigating healthcare can be overwhelming, but I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

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Jenn Pinnell, Health Coach




Hi, I’m Jenn! I’m a health and nutrition coach, a wife, mother, and a connoisseur of life, adventures, and anything outdoors. My passions guided my education efforts into obtaining my Precision Nutrition, NASM PT, and HMCC mindset certifications.

I have been a professional health and nutrition coach for over six years and have seen and experienced the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. Taking care of our physical and mental health is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. 

Everyone has unique health, nutrition, and exercise needs and wants; there is no fix-all answer that solves everyone’s needs. I specialize in developing specific health plans, each uniquely built around an individual’s needs.

I found and married my person in 2022, and we share nine beautiful and amazing kids between the two of us. I love living life to its fullest and enjoy so many different activities. 

As a mom of nine, I know that life can be busy and stressful. I understand that it is hard to put ourselves first, but I also know that if we put our health at the top of our lists, we will have the power to do just about anything we set our minds to.

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Alicia Akerson, Health Coach




Hi, I’m Alicia! I am driven by a deep passion for empowering women through holistic wellness practices. My own transformative and decade-long journey, navigating hormonal imbalances, a complex relationship with food, and a sense of disconnection from my body, fuels my deep understanding and empathy in the coaching approach.

Having faced these challenges firsthand, I offer personalized support while recognizing the uniqueness of each wellness journey. Embracing mind, body, and spirit, I guide others to nurture themselves holistically, fostering self-compassion and strength.

I have a masters in wellness coaching, am certified through the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches, and am a certified Exercise Physiologist. I have coached hundreds of individuals toward reaching their wellness goals.

My mission is clear: to empower women to thrive in every aspect of their lives. With my coaching support, clients gain confidence, resilience, and the tools to embark on their own transformative journeys in a nurturing environment.

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Olivia Hansen, Nutritionist




Hi there! I'm Olivia -- a nutrition nerd, mom and outdoor lover. My goal? To empower women to feel vibrant, energized and confident through every phase of life, so they can chase their dreams.

In a previous life, I was a certified public accountant, but the spark wasn't there. Inspired by my own journey as a mom of two boys, I made a career shift. I pursued and earned a Master's in Nutrition and Integrative Physiology from the University of Utah and became a Registered Dietitian.

Armed with a solid foundation in nutrition, physiology, and the psychology of motivation and change, I'm here to support you. I've walked countless individuals through personalized nutrition and wellness journeys and led engaging workshops. I know firsthand the challenges of making lifestyle changes in the midst of a busy life. Life is hectic, but I am here to support you, problem solve with you and guide you towards the vibrant life you deserve. Whether you don't know where to start or are confused by all the various nutrition advice out there, I will help you find what works uniquely for you. There is no one way to eat, we all have different needs and preferences. Let's focus on adding nourishment in ways that are sustainable for YOU. 

Remember, how we move, fuel, and care for our bodies profoundly impacts our lives. Let's work together to achieve your health and wellness goals, so you can thrive and live your best life.

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Hey! My name is Lindsey, I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and I am happy you are here! I believe nature and a good belly laugh are some of the best medicines. I am passionate about my work and feel honored to walk alongside women in their healing journey and creating a life worth living.

As a therapist, I have unique experiences working with women in a variety of situations, challenges, and phases of life such as homelessness, incarceration, substance use problems, chronic health conditions, loss, relationship challenges, and faith transitions. It is important to me to create an environment of curiosity, non-judgment, and acceptance.

I believe holistic and integrative approaches treat the whole person and create longer-lasting effects. I have an eclectic approach to therapy, integrating Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma Informed Care, Mind Body Bridging, Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Inner Child Work, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

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Hi, I’m Monet! As a mental health professional I firmly believe in the resiliency of the human spirit!

As a therapist for over 25 years, I have come to realize that you can indeed have calmness in chaos! My expertise is in DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) which is a modality that teaches ways to control uncomfortable emotion so it does not control you. I teach an effective 3-step model on the first visit that will decrease anxiety immediately.

On a personal level, I use these techniques every day in my own life and truly believe they are a catalyst for finding peace. I have experienced much loss and grief as a wife and mother and have found ways to bounce back.

My own journey has taught me that everything you need is already inside. We just need help accessing these innate abilities at difficult times when hope may be fleeting.

I'd love to be that person! I enjoy working with women who face challenges and are looking for creative ways to get to the other side. Whether the goal is losing weight, managing pain, or learning how to cope in relationships, I am confident we can find solutions to achieve your desired outcome.

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