Environmental Wellness With Christine Gummersall

In this episode we talk about the environmental wellness pillar with our guest Christine Gummersall. Christine is a master DIYer and is well-known to instagram followers as Honey Built Home. She tells us about her journey to optimize her space and gives us some incredible tips for getting started and using our spaces to support our wellness and to really become places we use and love to use. Don’t miss this fun conversation!

Hi! I’m Christine, and I am a do it yourself enthusiast who loves home design, creating projects from scratch and the excitement and satisfaction of saying, “yeah, I built that!” I am a Las Vegas native, but have resided in Salt Lake City, Utah for the past 10 years. A mom to three preschool and younger munchkins, a wife to a very busy real estate agent and high school basketball coach, as well as a Registered Nurse and passionate fitness lover. In between triaging patients, cheering on basketball games, and nap times I enjoy building things to transform my house into a home where I love every square inch.

www.honeybuilthome.com -- IG @honeybuilthome